I am associate professor at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications of the University of Florence and I am the Director of the Florence Center for Data Science (FDS). I sit on the Technical Scientific Committee for the Tuscan Center for Big Data, Data Science e Artificial Intelligence (CBDAI) and I am AE for the JRSSA and SMA.
My research focuses on multivariate statistical models, especially graphical models. A graphical model is a multivariate statistical model that can be associated to a graph with nodes as variables and missing edges indicating conditional independences. I’ve become increasingly engaged in statistical machine learning and data science. Recently, I've delved into fair and interpretable models, tree-embedded models, models with latent uncertainty, and multivariate models for angular and directional data. I remain proudly agnostic on the frequentist-Bayesian debate. As I love to be challenged by new topics, I have absolutely no idea on what I'm going to do in my future.
Feel free to connect with me via email at anna[dot]gottard[at]unifi[dot]it or on Twitter (@annie_corXY).For a full list: Google Scholar | unifi web page